Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Thursday 10th November 2022

No incidents reported

Wednesday 9th November 2022

No incidents reported

Tuesday 8th November 2022

No incidents reported

Monday 7th November 2022

No incidents reported

Sunday 6th November 2022

No incidents reported

Saturday 5th November 2022

No incidents reported

Friday 4th November 2022

VPS / Cloud Services Hardware outage NL-DRN-KVMNVME-2

The hypervisor NL-DRN-KVMNVME-2 is running on is currently experiencing a software issue. Because of this issue, it isn't possible to manage the VPS's on the hypervisor. The VPS's are still working, but their state cannot be altered through the VPS-panel or the client-area.

In order to resolve this issue, the hypervisor needs to be rebooted. We will reboot the hypervisor at 23:00 04-11-2022 GMT+1. If all goes as planned, the expected downtime will be a couple of minutes. We will do everything in our power to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

  • Dear customer,

    As mentioned earlier, the hypervisor NL-DRN-KVMNVME-2 was experiencing a software issue which disabled the possibility to alter a VM's state.

    Sadly, after a reboot a new issue appeared. This caused longer downtime then initially planned. The hypervisor is healthy again and all VPS's on the hypervisor have been started sucessfully.

    We're sorry for the inconvenience.

    With kind regards, The LiteServer team